Thursday, July 16, 2009


It's a great feeling to be back blogging again.. There have been so many times that I wanted to return to my blog but there was so much to write about that I couldn't decide where to begin.. I felt like I was about to begin in the middle of a story. I understand now that it would have been so much easier/better if I had done short blogs rather than waiting to write regular length blogs.
Meanwhile, I joined Facebook on a dare and I'm so happy that I did because I've reconnected with many of my former TWA coworkers.
You must forgive me if I seem to ramble as I try to catch up.
Yesterday I attended my first Bereavement Support meeting at the Senior Center.. Because it's summertime when people are away on vacation and/or just have other things to do, the usual number of attendees did not show up. It gave me the opportunity to bond with the facilator. It's not my first support group, and I expect this one will be a lot different, but in what way I'm not sure.

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