Sunday, July 13, 2008

The New Hand We Were Dealt

The polyps that the doctor removed back in June were cancerous and another biopsy was done a week later, which showed that Sanford's polyps had high grade cancers. Wait...the news isn't as bad as it sounds. The doctor plans to treat the cancer, not with chemo nor radiation, but with the vaccine BCG.Which has been used to successfully treat bladder cancer. It was used for his initial bladder cancer. It is a cancer that requires close follow-up, which is what the doctor plans to do. The doctor's optimism has rubbed off on us.
We're comfortable with the hand that we were dealt. Please continue to keep us in your prayers, as we will keep you in ours.

1 comment:

paruno said...

polyps !My physician recommends a colonoscopy every 3 years; I M alive today because I do so.
2 years ago they found 2 ok, the oher cancerous. I had surgery and had good news; it was all in the polyp!
I have lost a few friends to colon cancer, simply because they avoided the colonoscopy; it is a
simple 20 minute procedure; you are sedated and awakend immediately after the procedure
and return home after 30 minutes.
Do it! Paruno